Wednesday 11 January 2012

Little bloomin creatures

A while back I saw this lovely animate short called The Lost Thing, based on a book by Shaun Tan IMDB pages for the film

At the end, the Thing gets take to live with a bunch of other kooky creatures including a little 'valve guy' that you can see in the screen shot.

These two are made from amplifier valves and Fimo clay. I pull the base off the valve, drill holes and poke small nails through to locate the tenticles and make it good and firm. The Fimo is baked in the oven to set it, which is really easy but I still managed to incinerate the first batch!!

I think I'll make some more of these, it surprising what a set of tenticles can do for a fairly everyday object!

Any suggestions?

Saturday 3 December 2011

Big A

Well she's a star in my eyes, so it's time she got her name in lights!

I got the inspiration for this from another blog (check out the link below), but made this out of the same solid foam board I've been using on the water gun, rather than the paper and foam stuff.

The lights are B&Q LED fairy lights, which happened to have proper 'fairground' style fittings.

I'll be making up the rest of her name in the new year, but for now I just did the easy 'A'

Inspiration from here...designsponge - Marquee Letters

Thursday 3 November 2011

Steam Punk water cannon

now on Blogger as Wordpress is rubbish. First video post to come soon!

I've gone for a video as I know I can ramble on with the words a bit!

More pictures and video to follow, click to follow me too if you like my stuff!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Toaster Bot – Mk2

So after the potentially life threatening fail of the Mk1, I started to develop the Mk2.
this is based on a plastic bodied toaster that I got in Tesco for £5. its much easier to work with because I can cut and glue the plastic, whereas the steel of the Mk1 had to be riveted etc.
Here are the pic’s thus far…
IMG_0510 IMG_0509 IMG_0511 IMG_0512 IMG_0513 IMG_0563 IMG_0586 IMG_0588 IMG_0589 IMG_0590 IMG_0596 IMG_0597 IMG_0598 IMG_0599 IMG_0600 IMG_0605

Toaster Bot - Mk1

Development of the first Toaster Bot went fairly well, it even had completed legs and could stand up on its own.

Problem was that I built most of it out of aluminium, which combined with the metal shell made the whole thing a bit dangerous when it was plugged in..

Did I mention that that the completed thing had to be able to make toast too?

Here's the pictures of the abandoned version....

1 16 17 18 19
2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 DSC00073 DSC00075 DSC00077 DSC00078
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